Tuesday, February 25, 2014





We all experience these things.  They are not easy. They are trying on our spiritual well-being, our happiness, and our comfort level, yet we still have to deal with them.  The feelings of being lost and unable to control or do anything about them and we start to forget who we are.

It leads to:



Self-pity (read:  Woe is me.)

Yet, I think about my brother and sisters in Christ who have gone on before and suffered things much greater than I.  The martyrdom, the imprisonment, the shipwreck, broken families and the such, all for Christ.  Through it all they were able to stay focused on Him.

  • Paul - content in all things
  • Peter - praised God while in prison
  • John - wrote prophesy while imprisoned
  • Jesus - bled and died on the cross

It is what we do in our adverse circumstances that define us.  We cannot control or do anything about others may do during this time.  We only have control over our own actions and words.  We can focus our minds, hearts and souls on God -- to keep ourselves from becoming embittered.  Prayers allow us to put our doubts, fears and angers on God so we don't have to go it alone.  If we sing praised of Him, we remind ourselves of the power and love that He has for us and others.

At this present time I am going through a period of great brokenness and accomplishing these things is a great struggle.  May moments in the day I fail miserable, but I try.  Upon realizing the failure and  falling victim to bitterness there is a search to find a way to get of of it through finding God in prayer and praise and meditation.  It is all a matter of finding ways to stay focused on Christ at all times, especially now.

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